E&E Off-Road LLC stands behind all its fabricated products. E&E Off-Road LLC cannot be held responsible nor accept liability for breakage or failure of parts as a result of rugged off-road use or reckless driving on public roads. Modifications to your vehicle are done at your own risk and E&E Off-Road LLC does not accept liability or responsibility arising from damage caused by installing parts or making modifications. Make note of the fact that certain modifications and/or installation of aftermarket parts will void your original OEM factory warranty.
E&E Off-Road LLC will under no circumstances be liable for any damages to the users of this website and/or their equipment as a result of using information obtained from this website.
Modification of your vehicle using parts sold by E&E Off-Road LLC may create dangerous conditions which could cause serious bodily injury to you or others. The buyer hereby expressly assumes all risks associated with any such modifications and products purchased from E&E Off-Road LLC. Parts sold by E&E Off-Road LLC are intended for off-road use only.
By installing any product purchased from E&E Off-Road LLC, user understands and accepts full responsibility of the above disclaimer.