Items will be shipped via UPS, FedEx or United States Postal Service.
Orders up to $99.99 have a $12.00 shipping charge
Orders $100.00 to $219.99: $25.00 shipping charge
Orders $220.00 to $349.99: $35.00 shipping charge
Orders $350.00 to $549.99: $50.00 shipping charge
Orders $550.00 to $749.99: $60.00 shipping charge
Orders $750.00 to $999.99: $90.00 shipping charge
Orders $1000.00 to $2499.99: $150.00 shipping charge
Orders $2500 and over: $400.00 shipping charge (freight)
Contact E&E Off-Road LLC for quotes to locations other than the continental US. If you cannot receive packages via a particular carrier, please be sure to contact E&E Off-Road LLC directly to discuss alternatives BEFORE placing your order.
Kansas customers, our apologies. Effective October 1, 2019, E&E Off-Road LLC can no longer sell to Kansas shipping addresses due to Kansas' new sales tax collection law.
WE DO NOT SHIP TO FREIGHT FORWARDERS. Do not order for shipment to a freight forwarding address as your order will be canceled, and the non-refundable fee charged by Paypal will be withheld from your payment.
BUYER'S REMORSE. Orders will not be cancelled and fully refunded due to buyer's remorse. Transactions cost money, and while we will cancel your order if it has yet not shipped, the non-refundable fee charged by Paypal will be withheld from your payment. If your order has shipped, you are responsible for return shipping and restocking fees as detailed in our return policy.